Sunday, March 25, 2007

Respect for Law... date set

It was announced on Saturday March 24th that the Respect for Law BBQ will be on May 18th at Armstrong Park. More information will be provided in one of our upcoming meetings. Please get with Kristy Caley and Nancy Meyer on this.
Thanks Ladies

Pictures.. Egg stuffing

I am sharing some pictures I took from our day of stuffing the eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt to be held on March 31st. There were 6 kids who came and helped us out. The group stuffed 7600 eggs and we have 50 for those who may come in just a little late. The names of the workers were: Jacob & Tyler Small, Ryan Roach, Adam Herber, Nick Andrews and Nick Doty. Thank you guys for your help with the egg stuffing and also for warming up the cups of coffee for the group. The club also surprised Carol Barnes and Christy Davis with donuts with candles and sang happy birthday.

Thank you everyone.

Missouri Community Service Commission Award

Jan Reding was selected for the Missouri's Community Service Commission Award. There will be a banquet that will be held in Jefferson City on April 12th. For those who would like to attend, you need to purchase your dinner reservation tickets before March 30th. The cost is $35.00 per person and the dress is -"Business Dress". If you want more information on this, please get with Jerry Vaughan at the Chamber office, telephone number is
816-847-2627. Congratulations Jan, we are proud of you.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

EASTER EGG HUNT reminder.....

Just a reminder to all of those who will be helping with the stuffing of the eggs we will be meeting at the Admin building on Pink Hill. The time is 8:00 AM and looking at possibly stuffing up to 7,000 eggs again. I have been told there will be some additional kids who need hours to help us out. Please remember to bring any grocery bags as we use them to put completed eggs in them. If you should have any questions, please feel free to call me at 816-443-2461.
The Hunt will be at Armstrong Park at 8:30. The pictures with the Easter Bunny start at 9:00 and want to have all of the eggs out before any of the kids start to come. Jim Brown and Bob Morse have volunteered to take pictures. Thank you guys for the help. Shelia will take care of money.
Currently we have had gifts from Lunar Bowl, Sonic and the Community Center. Kathy Doty has done an outstanding job in providing us with a lot of goodies for the give away prizes. Thank you Kathy for your special gifts and support.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Luck of the Iris at the Saturday meeting....

Today being March 17th, St. Paddy's day, we had some of our members join us ready for the day. I thought I would share some pictures with you on these. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Named Grand Marshall of Valley Fair Daze

Today in the meeting Kathy Doty mentioned that her mom, Erma got a call indicating that they have selected her to be the Grand Marshall for the Valley Fair Daze this coming September. We are all happy for her and congratulations Erma. We will be there supporting you.

Sam continues to wow us...

On Saturday, March 3rd, Sam brought in another outstanding check for the Optimist Club's Pairing with Optimist. This is great news and we are really prepared for our next event. Thank you Sam for your efforts and dedication to this project. Sam thanked the club and especially Carol Barnes for the work she did with the event.


Friday night March 2nd, was the day Mathews Middle school had their night of reading and other activities. John Davis was asked to come as Santa Claus and read to the kids a couple of Dr. Seuss books. The school had hoped to have a few characters there and it was sad to hear he was the only who could make it. John had fun reading to the kids and they had different sessions in which he took his turn reading and answering questions like where is Rudolph and does he know magic. I mentioned in a low voice that only Mrs Claus knows magic and she makes Santa disappear for 11 months. The kids did enjoy it and yes, John had fun as well. Here are a couple more pictures to see.

Upcoming events and issues

The upcoming things that were discussed either at the board meeting or regular meeting were:

  • Upcoming new officers and board members: Who has volunteered to recruit? The answer to this is on the sheet that Jan Reding has. YOU need to start thinking of how you can help your club and join the officer's or become a board member.
  • Is there going to be a NOW program?
  • The Repect for Law event? Kristie Caley and Nancy Myer took charge last year, will wait to hear more from them.
  • Plant sale: Jan Reding and Ann Ronchetto working on this and will update.
  • Bike Safety: Date set for June 9th.
  • Golf Tournament set for June, Jerry Vaughn will confirm the date.
  • Continue to bring your receipts from Patricia's to the meeting or get with Sharon Morse.
  • Cartridges can be given to Jerry Vaughn either at a meeting or at the chamber as he has volunteered to turn in old cartridges for cash for the club. Must be name brand and no recycled ones. Those you would have to take them yourself and trade towards replacements ones? I hope I got this right if not ask Jerry about those.

New arrivals for members....

Annette Barker indicated that she had a new arrival to the family, another niece. Congratulations Annette.
Jeannette Capranica mentioned that she had a new Granddaughter, 5 lbs 14 oz born on December 29th. Congratulation on your granddaughter, Kelby Jean.