Saturday, June 23, 2007

Articles for blog

Please continue to forward your ideas and pictures for the blog. Everyone is doing such a great job with getting me the data. Also with any project you work on, if you happen to take pictures, get them to me and I can include in blog. I want to see more information on some of our members regardless to how little they may be. Keep up the good work.

Thank You cards

In the meeting of June 23rd, there were some thank you cards sent around.

Doug Porter who received a Scholarship wrote:
Annette, I am writing to thank you for awarding me with the Optimist Club Scholarship. It will definately help me further my education.
Thanks again, Doug Porter.

Sydney Carddock:
Thank you so much for choosing me as the Optimist Club Scholarship recipient. The money will help me out of a lot and is greatly appreciated.
Sydney Craddock

Thank You,
On behalf of the entire Grain Valley Central Office Staff, we want to thank youy for your kindness and thoughtfulness. We truly appreciate the fruit basket and your acknowledgement in the work we do for our students. We also appreciate your support that is given to all our staff and students at Grain Valley.
Grain Valley Cental Office Staff (and signed by each of them)

Your Kindness was greatly appreciated!
Thanks for all of the snacks.

Hi just a reminder of the requirements for being Honor Club 2006/2007 Optimist year. Membership is net +1 by adding 3 friends this will be accomplished. copy of T-shot enclosed. Also all financial matters need to be paid.
Encourage members and new officers to attend District Convention August 16-18 at Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City.
By providing hope and positive vision, Optimist bring out the best in kids.
Governor, Mary Ann.

Another Optimist for MDA

Jim Brown informed us that he has a hard time saying no, so now he is part of the group that will be facing JAIL on July 19th if he doesn't raise his bail for MDA/
Carol Barnes, Jan Reding and now Jim Brown need your help to stay out of jail, please send your contributions to them at home and make checks payable to MDA. Good luck group.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Help our members out of jail.....

Jan Reding and Carol Barnes are needing to raise $650.00 each for Muscular Dystrophy Assn. or they will go to Jail on July 19th. Please help them with donations and they are 100 % tax deductable. Make Check payable to MDA and send to their homes. A plea from Jan and Carol. Help help help help!!!!!!

need something to do on June 23rd?????

I normally always try and keep the blog for Optimist items but thought if you are looking for something to do on June 23rd, at the Pavilion from 5 to 7 PM, in Grain Valley, there will be a fundraiser in which you can eat and help out the Assistance Council as the same time. The Steak Fry to be held on Saturday and tickets can be purchased for a cost of $30.00 per ticket. Kids eat free. Adults have a great L & C Steak, salad, baked potato, drink and homemade pie. Children eat free with a hot dog, chips, drink and cookie. Make it a family night out and enjoy the meal.


Don't forget to read the "funny spot" on the left as I have changed it and will change it every other week.

Local Educator Wins National Award......

Sam Packham, Director of the Operations of Grain Valley School District was recently awarded the 2007-2008 National School Plant Manager of the year. This award is the highest honor given by the National School Plant Management Association. Sam has been employed by the grain Valley Schools since 1993.

Nominated by Dr. Chris Small, School Superintendent, Packham competed against nine other nominees. Other nominees live as far away as San Jose, CA, Seattle , WA, and Charlotte, NC.
The School Plant Manager of the year is chosen by an independent industry panel, consisting of architects, construction, and heating and cooling businesses. The group of nominees was narrowed down to two, Packham, and a gentleman from the suburb of Minneapolis, MN.

Packham was nominated in early March by Dr. Small. He and local residents and representatives from Jefferson City State Department wrote letters of recommendations.
Dr. Small went on to say that Grain Valley was by far the smallest School District ever nominated. Dr. Small accompanied Packham to the Minneapolis National Conference in Minnesota this past week. (late May)

Besides the great honor of National recognition, a scholarship of one-thousand dollars was given to the school district to go to a 2008 graduating senior of Grain Valley High School.

The Optimist Club members say: Congratulations Sam on a very well earned recognition. We are all proud of you.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Mind of a 6 yr old....

A first grade school teacher in Virginia had twenty-five students in her class. She presented each child in her classroom the first half of a well-known proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb.
It' hard to believe these were actually done by first graders. The insight may surprise you. While reading, keep in mind that these are first graders, 6 yr old, because the last one is a classic.

  1. Don't change horses................... until they stop running.
  2. Strike while the .......................... bug is close.
  3. It's always darkest before........ Daylight Saving Time.
  4. Never underestimate the power of .....Termites.
  5. You can lead a horse to water but... How?
  6. Don't bite the hand that............ looks dirty.
  7. No news is................................... impossible.
  8. A miss is as good as a................. Mr.
  9. You can't teach an old dog new.... Math.
  10. If you lie down with dogs, you'll.... stink in the morning.
  11. Love all, trust.............................Me.
  12. The pen is mightier than the...... pigs.
  13. An idle mind is............................. the best way to relax.
  14. Where there's smoke there's..... pollution.
  15. Happy the bride who..................gets all the presents.
  16. A penny saved is.......................... not much.
  17. Two's company, three's............... the Musketeers.
  18. Don't put off till tomorrow what.... you put on to go to bed.
  19. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and........ you have to blow your nose.
  20. There are none so blind as.......... Steve Wonder.
  21. Children should be seen and not..... spanked or grounded.
  22. If as first you don't succeed........ get new batteries.
  23. You get out of something only what you.... see in the picture on the box.
  24. When the blind lead the blind.... get out the way.
  25. A bird in hand.......... is going to poop on you.


26. Better late than..... Pregnant.

Thank you Carol this was great.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bike Safety Rodeo pictures

Bike Safety Rodeo
June 9th, 2007
Brian McDonald was the chairperson for our 2007 Bike safety Rodeo. After a short meeting in the lunch area of the Grain Valley Elementary School, the Optimist Club members proceeded to go outside for the setting up of the event. Even though the courses did not need to be chalked up, there were still a few things to do before the event started. There were around 22 to 25 kids that came through and had their bikes inspected and were asked to run the course of different bike maneuvers to test their safety abilities on the bikes. The names of those who came were put in for a drawing of a new bike for both 1 girl and 1 boy. The names of the two individuals were: Gabe Keeton 4 yrs old of Grain Valley and the girl was Morgan Wilcox 10 yrs old also of Grain Valley. Congratulations on your wins. Please look at the pictures I have posted as I found some of these very interesting. It goes to show that you don't have to be under 12 to have fun.

Boys bike winner: Gabe Keeton 4 yrs old
Grils bike winner: Morgan Wilcox 10 yrs old.
John, Chris & Bob setting up table
Bob and John riding bikes, oldest kids there
Carol measuring space between cracks to determine distant, don't ask.

Jerry and Lon hanging up the banners.

John parking a bike with Carl observing to make it is done correctly.
Group setting up
Jerry Vaughan
Sharon parking one of the bikes again Carol making sure they are parked right.
Annette and Sheila preparing the picture ID/License area.
Carl walking the course and checking things out.
Carol, Mary and Chris
As I was walking around taking pictures I happen to come across Carol Barnes, Kathy Doty and Mary Harper.
Arron shows off one of the two new Police cars that Grain Valley just got. This is a 2008 model and it was a beauty. Arron is very proud of the car.
Here in this picture are probably the biggest kids at the Bike Safety Rodeo. From left to right: John Davis, Chief Arron Ambrose and Bob Morse.
Boys will be boys. Her Arron is telling John that he just needs a good swft kick you know where, Bob is just amazed at how easy that can be done.
Arron decided he needed to see what it looked like with a prisoner in the back. Here he is trying to convince John Davis that he needs to try it out. As you can see John was holding to dear life to the door.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Bike Safety Rodeo June 9th... important

Just a reminder that the Bike Safety is this Saturday and we will be needing some volunteers to help out with this event. We will be having a meeting at The Elementary school at 8:00 and then proceed to set up for the event. This is at Sni A Barr Elementary. Brian McDonald is heading up this project with help from those who have chaired the event in the past. Let's go and give Brian the support we are known for.
Also, if you want to donate a helmet, they can use some youth size M and L. Please bring them with you or give to Brian or even Sheila Arnold.
Thanks and call for more information if needed.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

New Matthews' Library progress

Carol Barnes brought in to the meeting on Saturday June 2nd, pictures of the Library at Matthews school. This is where we packed all of the books off the shelf and now as you can see, is under contruction. It doesn't resemble anything like it did previously but is sure to be a very very nice library when completed. Thanks Carol.

As you can see the work being done at Matthews is coming along.

Substance Abuse Poster Winners

Local Winners of the Grain Valley Optimist Club sponsored post contest were Cyndee Thorton and River Hopkins. Both students attend Matthews Elementary School and are students of art teacher, Kathy Argotsinger. Cyndee's and River's posters went on to also win the Zone level of completion for the prevention of substance abuse. Congratulations to both.
The club says thank you to Carol Barnes for her work on this program and the article for the blog.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Two students receive Scholarships.....

This years recipients of The Grain Valley Optimist Clubs scholarships went to Doug Porter and Sydney Craddock. We want to congratulate them and also wish them the best with their education. The club did receive thank you cards from both of these individuals. Again thank you to the Scholarship committee.

Officers for 2007-2008

New officers for the upcoming year are as the following:
President: Dale Arnold
1st VicePresident: OPEN (Need a volunteer)
2nd Vice President: Ann Ronchetto
Secretary: Jan Reding
Treasurer: Shelia Arnold
New Board members:
Mary Harper 2 year term
Brian McDonald 2 year term
Kathy Doty 2 year term.
Finishing 1 year terms:
John Davis
Robert Morse
Jim Brown
Anyone who would like to take the 1st Vice President role please get with one of the current officers.

Saturday meeting event update, June 2nd...

Reminders of the following events coming up.

  1. The Bike Safety on June 9th. Club meeting at Sni A Bar Elementary School and then will proceed to set up for Bike Safety. Need workers to come and help out.
  2. Golf Tournament: June 14th, Jerry could really use more golfers so spread the word and have them get with Jerry.
  3. Summer Social is slated for July 21st at the Barker's home again. Look for more information on this.

Snakes alive... a brave woman...

When I moved here from California I swore I did not want to see a snake. Since then I saw one the size of a pencil on our front door and seen them on the road after a car has had its fun with them but if I saw one like Sarah has in her hand in real life, I may be moving really quick.
Jerry brought this in along with a story. I hope I got it all correct. Apparently Chris their son, went to the laundry room and said "oh my God" which always brings a parent running to see what it happening. Wedged in a corner was this little pet. Between the three of them, Jerry, Chris and Sarah on the floor with a box worked to capture the little creature. This black snake dropped to the floor instead of the box Sarah had and she just picked it up and took it from there. What a very brave woman. I hate spiders and even when I need a magnifying glass see it, I call John for help. Well, we all know who to call to our rescue in the future. You go girl.