From Christine Davis to the Optimist Club.....
This years awards were at the Marriott Ballroom in Blue Springs, MO. The Master of Ceremonies was Joel Nichols of KMBC-9 News and guest speaker Charles W. Gusewelle, Associate Editor and Columnist for The Kansas City Star.
Jan Reding started the event and passed the microphone to Joel who did an introduction and Pastor Dave Hackett gave the in vocational prayer. Missouri Representatives Bryon Pratt and Gary Dusenberg were in attendance to give out some awards as the honorees left the stage. Paulette Paulson and Cindy Panza gave out awards for the "Grow Grain Valley". Joel Nichols and Allen Lefko gave the CORNERSTONE of the Community to Jan Reding. All of this along with a wonder dinner, decorated with the Paris de France theme, made our night wonderful.
Christy Davis says..
How do I say thank you for giving me the opportunity to be this years selection for the Pillar of the Community. It is a great honor and I will do everything I can to continue to support this award in my future with the Optimist Club. To be there and see all the others and those in attendance was very rewarding. I want to say thank you to those who were attendance and gave support to not only to myself but to the other members who received an award.
Jan, you continue to amaze me with your outstanding accomplishments and you are an example of volunteerism to the community. You earned the CORNERSTONE of the Community award. I am very proud to know you and a role model that all of us should follow. Again thank you for giving me this wonderful night and I am deeply honored to have received this award.
GRAIN VALLEY OPTIMIST CLUB written by Jan Reding....
The selection of Christine Davis as the Grain Valley Optimist’s honoree was an easy one to make as Chris is a devoted and very dedicated member of the organization. The club’s motto is "A Friend of Youth" and Chris practices this motto by her many hours of organizing, scheduling and working at the annual Easter Egg Hunt and the Santa House. She needs only to be given an idea for a project, and she immediately goes to work.
Christine Davis was born in Hollister, CA - the second of five girls born to Antonio and Virginia Anaya. She graduated from Ramona High School in 1969 and entered Riverside City College to study electronics. She continued her education at the University of California in Riverside to complete the necessary certification courses she needed in supervisory management, total management and human resources management.
In 1977 Chris joined a small company - Electro Pneumatic Corporation in Riverside, CA. By 1984 this small company had grown to over 200 employees and was purchased by Harmon Industries. Also in 1984, Chris married John Davis, the second marriage for both. Chris had one son, James, and John had three children, John Jr., Darlene and Pam. Chris and John have been married twenty-three years and have been blessed with eleven grandchildren and two great-grandsons. This number will soon be increased with the expected addition of two more grandchildren. When the Riverside facility closed in 1999, Chris was asked to relocate to Missouri, and John agreed to leave his job so she could continue her career. They moved to Grain Valley, and that same year Harmon was purchased by General Electric, and today the company is known as GE Transportation Systems Global Signaling. Chris has been employed in the railroad business for thirty years, eight of those here in Grain Valley.
When she transferred to Grain Valley, she was a repair manager and is now the production support leader.
Chris’ involvement in the community centers mainly with the Grain Valley Optimist Club where she has served on the Board for five years, has been vice president, president and is now first vice president. Not only does she work tirelessly on the Easter Egg Hunt (where over 8,000 eggs are stuffed and hidden in Armstrong Park and her husband, John, is the Easter Bunny), but Santa House would not "be" without Chris’ determined leadership to see that everything is "go" for the four weekends before Christmas. She also is the witch of Grain Valley at the annual Haunted Halloween Hayride. For her dedication to the Club, Chris received the coveted Bob Doty Award, an award presented each year to an Optimist member by Erma and Kathy Doty in memory of their son and brother.
In an effort to spread the news about the great things that the Optimist Club does for the youth of the community, Chris created a website called and keeps it updated with timely news items and pictures of the club’s activities for all to view.
Chris is not all work and no play, as she is an avid bowler and has been since 1977 – and she is good! In 1995 Chris was undefeated in the Queens Bowling Tournament. Her highest game was a 288 with a series of 756. You don’t want to know her average – nor do you want to challenge her unless you are willing to lose gracefully.
Chris also spent eight years in her spare time making wedding cakes and still does on occasion. She now spends her spare time talking with her sisters who live in California, Texas, Oklahoma and Washington.
Christine Davis – for all of your hard work, your dedication, and your
spirit of giving to the youth of Grain Valley, we declare you a
Pillar of the Community.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Optimist Club Pillar of the Community -Christy Davis
Posted by Christy Davis at 11:49 AM 1 comments
Pictures from Pillar of the Community.....
receiving awards from Representatives, Bryan Pratt and Gary Dusenberg.
John and Chris DavisThe Harper's, Lon and Mary.
Chuck Johnston with his awards.
Jan was awarded the CORNERSTONE OF THE COMMUNITY by MC Joel Nichols and escorted by Allen Lefko. Jan had done so much for the community and was awarded this outstanding award. Congratulations Jan, you did a great job with the Pillar arrangements and all the hard work you have done within the last years.
Allen Lefko escorting Jan back to her chair.
Honorees Charles (Chuck) Johnston and Christy Davis, both Optimist members, Chuck was honored for the Lions Club while Christy for the Optimist Club.
Kathy Doty takes the time to take picture with Chris.
Carl Condra attended to give support to Christy Davis at the Optimist table, Thanks Carl.
Friends take time for a picture, Bob & John look really great, a change from the country dress of Kuntry Korn and Kussun Kob.
Lon Harper, Bob Morse, John Davis and Dr. Chris Small take time out for a picture.
Dave Hackett, Bob Morse and John Davis, were some of the Optimist members in attendance.
Posted by Christy Davis at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Optimist Winter Social....
This years Winter Social will be at the Country Side in Odessa. The date is February 9th at 5:00 to 7:00 PM. The cost is $16.00per person and will be serving family style meal which consist pf Relish tray, salads, fried chicken BBQ brisket, rolls, apple butter, real mash potatoes and country gravy, vegetables and an apple crisp for dessert. Sounds good, mmmmmm...
If you have not given your name to Shelia Arnold, please do before February 2nd as a head count is needed. Also please submit your money to Shelia by February 2nd. See you there.
Posted by Christy Davis at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Fazoli's fundraiser... February 14th to 20th...
Sarah Vaughan has set up a fund raiser time for the Optimist Club. It will be at Fazoli's in Blue Springs only and starts February 14th until February 20th. Jan Reding will send out a coupon flyer in the minutes and look for it also here on the blog after next week. You take the coupon with you and give it to the cashier as you order and it will be stapled with the receipt as part of our fund raiser. This gives you the opportunity to go more than once as the coupon sheet Sarah has is a full sheet with four coupons on it. Just cut and take one with you during this time. If you want more information, please get with Sarah Vaughan.
Posted by Christy Davis at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Meeting for February 2nd.....
Hello, at the meeting we had Saturday 26th, it was announced that Chris' Cakes would be at Stoney Pointe School for a fundraiser and we will be meeting there for the February 2nd meeting. This includes the board meeting as well. The Board meeting is 7:15 AM and regular meeting at 8:00. The Pancake breakfast will start at 8:00 so be there early to purchase your breakfast. See you there.
Posted by Christy Davis at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Easter Egg Hunt... Already??????
Wow, Easter is on it's way. This year Easter will be in the month of March. We have the park reserved for March 15th in hopes that the weather will warm up a little for that special day. We will be stuffing eggs at the Admin building again located on Pink Hill on March 8th. This year we have a lot of goodies that were donated and we have many new ideas on how to give them away. More information will come out on this within the next month or so. In the meantime if you have any questions, get with Christy Davis.
Posted by Christy Davis at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Planning ahead for Plant sale....
Jan mentioned at the meeting on January 12th that she will not be around on the actual date of the plant sale this year and is looking for someone to work side by side with Ann Ronchetto. Jan will be here to help get it going and do everything she can to help organize it but with plans made by her family would be gone the day of the event which should be on May 9th and possibly May 10th. If anyone can please fill in for her on these days she would really appreciate it.
Posted by Christy Davis at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Pairing with Optimist...
Once again it is that time of the year and Carol Barnes and Sam Packham are working to get it under way. Sam made th announcement that the date for this event is February 2nd. It will again be at Famous Footwear. Carol is gathering the names of those who will get a chance to participate in this event. No names or pictures will be given on this event.
Posted by Christy Davis at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Lt. Govenor comes to visit GV Optimist Club..
LT. Governor Cindy Morehead
The Optimist Clubs Lt. Governor, Cindy Morehe attended the Grain Valley Optimist Club meeting on January 12th. Given a few moments to speak, she mentioned that she was working to get a Zone meeting together on February 5th at Lake Lottawana and a couple of other items. More information to come out in minutes of meeting. After the meeting she spent some time with Sheila Arnold to go over some of our information. Thank you Cindy for your visit.
Posted by Christy Davis at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Pillar of the Community...
Jan Reding reminded the members at a meeting about the upcoming Pillar of the Community Award Gala where the Club's past President Chris Davis, will be one of the honorees, and members Lon and Mary Harper will be honorees for the Historical Society. Chuck Johnston who is also a member, will be honored by the Lion's Club. Congratulations to all.
Posted by Christy Davis at 4:04 PM 0 comments
50-50 raffle....
At meeting held on January 5th, Dale Arnold, President, announced a new source of revenue to the club. Members can purchase raffle tickets for 50 cents each. At the end of the meeting the money will be counted, and 50 percent of the proceeds will go to the winning ticket holder, and the remainder will be placed in the Club treasury to be used towards school supplies. Jim Brown handled the first drawing and winner Dale Arnold donated his wins back to the club fund. On meeting for January 12th, John Davis was the winner and he donated his back to the club. What fun...
Posted by Christy Davis at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Winter Social Date....
Hello, a date has been set for the Winter Social this year. The date is February 9th at the Country Side in Odessa. The time is 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Please get with Sheila Arnold if you didn't get a chance to sign up for attendance. Look for more information.
Posted by Christy Davis at 3:50 PM 0 comments