Sunday, June 22, 2008

Junior Optimist comes to meeting.

The Junior Optimist Club members....

These 5 members came to the Saturday Optimist Club meeting to be formally introduced. The one member missing Kelsey McDonald the others are (not necessarily in order from left to right) Nick Jackson, Patricia Barra, Melissa Johonsky, Jessica Pedraza and Cody Brown. Jim Brown has done a great job leading them with the help from Brian McDonald and Kathy Doty. Congratulations team. The officers for the Jr. Club are President: Cody Brown (who is also the driver for the group), Vice-President/Secretary: Jessica Pedraza and Treasurer: Mellisa Johonsky. I hope I got the names and spellings correct.
Below are some random pictures I took of the group. Danni Arnold who is the new member of the Optimist Club greeted them and made the first one of the arrivals comfortable and talked about the school band. A subject they had in common. Enjoy.

Speaker on June 21st....

Glenny Sparks

Our Speaker for this meeting was Glenny Sparks from the Jackson County Board of Election Commissioners. Glenny spoke on the election polls and how they could always use members to help out. She gave us the particulars and what you can do if your interested in participating in helping out with the voting can contact her 816-325-4600.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

New club member.....

President Dale Arnold made an announcement that his daughter, Danni who we all know has filled out her paperwork and paid her membership and is looking forward to joining the Optimist Club of Grain Valley. Dad had sponsored her and we are proud to have her on board. She is a go getter and will come with great ideas. Welcome aboard Danni.

Kathy Doty babysitting

Optimist Bike Safety Rodeo.......

Bike Safety Rodeo on June 14th at Sni-A-Bar school.

The Optimist Club met at the school for the morning meeting and then afterwards got ready for the Bike Safety event. It was a nice day and by 12:00 some were really feeling the heat. We had about 13 kids and many stayed and wanted to run the courses again and again before they left. The two bike winners this year are: Boys: Jackson Bradey 8 ys old and Girls: Kennedy Martin 5 ys old. Congratulations and nice job Bryon McDonald and Optimist Members. Another event has come and gone.

Kathy decided she wanted to run the course. She was baby sitting.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Upcoming events:.......

Hello, we have some upcoming events I wanted to remind people of.

Meeting at 8:00 at the school and starts at 10:00 to 12:00. See you there.

June 21st: JR Optimist Club (6 members) will be introduced to the club at the meeting, please attend to meet them and give them our support as they move forward in forming their club.

June 21st, we will also have a speaker for that day. Juanita Jackson will be speaking form the Co Election Board.

In July:
SUMMER SOCIAL: will be on July 26th and again will be at the Barker's home. See Annette or Jan Reding for more information. You can start to come around 5:00 for social time and will eat around 6:30.

Historical Society will have their Ice Cream Social on July 24th. Look for more information.

Picture from meeting June 7th

The boys...
This is a picture of John Davis with Jim Brown and Bob Morse. John had undergone surgery for a Pace Maker on Tuesday June 3rd but was going to come to the meeting to show all he was doing good. Thanks for all of the concerns and prayers.
Also, Mary Strack stopped to say thank you to all of those who gave her the support she needed for lost of her husband Herb and asked that you keep her in mind again when she has to go in for knee surgery in another week.
Jan we are glad your test have come out great as well, have a safe journey home.
We have an awesome group who are there to help each other.

Respect for Law ... May 16th

Chief Aaron Ambrose

May 16th was the clubs day to recognize the officers of Grain Valley. Chief Ambrose and his staff joined up in the park for a BBQ and the food was delicious. Thank you Kristy and ED Caley for taking charge and making this successful. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and we got to see Mrs Ambrose (Kathy) and little Carson. What a sweetheart. Please look at the pictures below and enjoy.