Sunday, March 1, 2009

John Davis Optimist Club Pillar of the Community..

John Davis, Optimist Club honored for Pillar of the Community on February 28th.

John was our honored member this year for the Pillar Award for 2009. Below is the BIO that was read and a couple of weeks ago I read it at the meeting. For those who did not attend on Saturday, you will have an opportunity to read it. John would like to thank all of those who attended and gave him the support he needed. Please look at all of the pictures I have posted and thank you all for your attendance whether it was for the Optimist Club or one of the other clubs in Grain Valley. The Pillar was a success and wonderful. We all enjoyed it.

John Addison Davis was born in Edinberg, Virginia. He is the 5th of 10 children born to Pauline and Raymond Davis. At the age of 15, John was a Kennel Master and went into the service at the age of 17. While in the Air Force, he was in Tech School in Amarillo, TX, continued his schooling and received his GED in the military. John was stationed at March Air Force Base in California. There he married and had three children. In 1984 John married Chris and together they have 4 children, 11 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. They moved from California to Grain Valley in 2000.
John retired from his job as a roofer after 42 years, and now does the things he loves and enjoys – volunteering. John has been an active member in the Optimist Club of Grain Valley for 8 years. He has done a great deal of volunteering in the school district, helping with health screenings, distributing dictionaries to the 5th graders each year, helping at the annual D.A.R.E. picnic and doing minor roofing repairs when asked.
John wears three special hats for the Optimist Club, and it is all about kids. John is a Santa at the Optimist Santa House each December, he is the Easter Bunny at the annual Easter Egg Hunt, and he is the frog-jumping judge at the Club’s frog jumping contest during Valley Fair Daze.
John has a special way to put a smile on everyone’s face. He is always full of enthusiasm in whatever he does, and his joy is infectious. John loves music, and he and his fellow Optimist buddy, Bob Morse, has played at several nursing homes and local events. They also have a comedy act of Kuntry Korn and Kussin Kobb and have appeared in several local parades. He loves old cars, and has a 1952 truck that came with him from California. In his spare time he loves to play golf and is an avid bowler with a 200 plus average. His best game was a 289 with a 792 series – now that’s serious bowling!
The Optimist Club has honored John with the Rookie of the Year award for his dedicated service, The Governor’s Award, and the coveted Bob Doty Award. John has served on the Club’s Board of Directors for five years.

This picture of John is one used in the brochure.

John was 17 years old and in the Air Force.

John and Chris when they got married on May 11, 1984.

Our kids, back row left to right. Jimmy, John, front row: Darlene and Pam along with John and Chris.

John and his brothers and sisters along with mom Pauline, center bottom row.

John on stage received his award and listens to BIO.

John and awards.
Group picture
John and Chris before we sat down and visiting with friends.
The Arnold's.
John and Chris with the Morse', John will miss playing music with his buddy.

Carl Condra and Barbara
Mary Strack and the Davis'
Center pieces provided by Mera Vic.

Our waiter was Jason, second on the left but High School kids took time for a quick picture.

Aaron and Kathy Ambrose

Mr & Mrs Chris Small
John, Chris, Arron and Kathy Ambrose
Carol Barnes and John.

Chris, John and Carol.
Chris Ann Ronchetto and John
Members at the table, Ann and Carl.
John Bob, Sharon and Carol enjoying meal.
Kathy and Erma Doty
Sarah Vaughan and John
Erma and Kathy with John.
One of our Jr Optimist, says she came at the last minute when they said they need more help and she volunteered.

Dave Hackett receives Cornerstone Award..

Dave Hackett is awarded the Cornerstone Award at Banquet.

Saturday night Dave and his wife were attendees to not only get but support all of the awards that night. Dave gave the invocation for the night and such a beautiful one at that. Dave was honored with the prestige award of the night, The Cornerstone of the Community. What an honor. Dave came to the stage and received his award from Jan Reding who was the recipient of this award last year. What an honor for both of these individual, not only in receiving but giving as well. I do not have Dave's Bio but I should get it, will include at another time. Please see the pictures below and congratulations Dave, we are proud of you.

Jan Reding speaks at Optimist Meeting 2-28-09

Jan, took a trip this last year to Egypt and today she gave part 1 of her 2 part presentation. Those of us who were in the meeting can hardly wait until next week when she will conclude the rest of her journey of Egypt. Jan to me has always been a fantastic speaker and this first presentation was great. Please come to the next meeting to capture the excitement Jan shows with her presentation.