Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Anaya family sends message...

As I mentioned in one of the meetings, my youngest sister was the person who got me going on the blog and she sent a message for me to share.

The Anaya family BLOG Editor says:

Chris and Optimist Club members:
I just wanted to say that all of you do a fantastic job with your community accomplishments. I think starting your own BLOG is an awesome way for you to inform your members and community of all of the outstanding work you do.
Although I am not a member of your community, I read all of your information that is past to me for our family blog and now being posted in yours. You do outstanding thing such as the Haunted Hayride (Witches Corner), Easter Egg Hunts, Frog Jumps and Bicycle safety to name some of them. Keep up the great work, you really are appreciated.

Toni Burke (Chris Davis' sister)
Washington State