Sunday, May 11, 2008

Plant Sale... May 9th & 10th....

Annual Optimist Plant Sale

Here in the picture are John Davis, Mary Harper, Bob Morse and Ann Ronchetto.

I came out in the morning before I went to work to help where I could in setting up the tents. The weather was going to be a like any other event we have had lately, difficult to get along with. As they group were setting up, I took a couple of pictures and they desperately worked together to get it up and ready for delivery of plants and before the rain. I heard that it rained quite a bit and a few of the members went home to change out of wet garments. The sun did finally come out when I came at lunch to and volunteered to bring food to the group working. The trailer that was borrowed from the Arnold's turned out to be a life safer for the day as the rain came down and then a shade area when the sun came out. I took some more pictures at lunch and then a group got together to load up the plants for the end of the day. Saturday again we set up a tent and then put the plants back out. Ann and Jan will give a report at next meeting as to how well it went. Nice work ladies and gentleman, thanks Carl for your help with the trailer and with the moving of the plants.