Saturday, October 4, 2008

Final Banquet-Awards for 2008....

September 28th, at the Historical Society building, the Optimist had their annual award banquet. The main dish was fried chicken with everyone bringing in a dish to share. Dale had a large crowd too as some of the Jr. Optimist and their families came to enjoy the fellowship.The following pictures were some taken during the event and Dale did a great job on handing off the President position to Ann Ronchetto. Ann and her new incoming staff took their oaths and will give her the best support needed during this next year to come. Please enjoy the pictures, some may have come out a little dark as the lighting in the room at evening may not have been the best in some areas.

Our banners were displayed with honor.

The Optimist Club celebrated 15years in the month of September.
Our youngest member, Danni Arnold.

Kathy and some of the young Jr's who attended.
Ann takes time for a picture.
Jim Brown taking time to talk to a parent and Jr Optimist.
Going through the snack line.
The Brown's and another Jr Member and family.
Dave Eames and wife, so there is a real Mrs Eames.
Jeanette with the Caley's.
Carl, Barb John, Erma and Mary S.

Erma and Mary S.
Chris & John Davis
Danni, Carol and Sheila talking with Dale.
Gary and Cheryl.
Ed and Kristy Caley
Mr & Mrs Capranica
Picture of group.
Nick Jackson
Jim is given award for his work in getting the Jr's Club together. Bryan McDonald gets award for Bike Safety, accepted by Chris Small.
Dales gives awards to Chris S., Annn Ronchetto, Annette Barker and Chris Davis for their help running meetings through out the year.
Dale being Dale.
Caley's receive the Bob Doty award, left to right: Erma, Kathy, Kristy, Dale and Ed.
Christy Davis get award for her rescue mission of 10,000 eggs. (Easter Hunt).
Jim and John get award for their work with the Frog Jump.
Jr Optimist in attendance were introduced to club and family members.
Induction of new officers and board members.
New officers and board members, induction.
Some of the new officers and board members: left to right: Dale, past President, Ann, incoming President, Jerry-Treasurer, Carl-board member, John-board member, bel0w: Christy-1st Vice President, Jim- board member, Jeanette board member, not in attendance is Mary Harper, 2nd vice-President, Jan Reding- Secretary, Bryan McDonald, Board member and Shawn Brady, board member.
Old and new: Dale is out going president along with Cody for the Jr's take pictures with the ladies who will now be new presidents for the clubs.
Group picture of the past and present, president and Sheila Arnold who is the other office to leave position after two terms. Great work Dale, Sheila and Cody.