Monday, May 18, 2009

Club upcoming events......

Upcoming events for the Optimist Club are:
Golf Tournament: June 4th- Ed Caley reported that there is still a need for more players (teams). Also need more hole sponsors and additional prizes. If you want help with purchasing give away gifts, Jan would be will to help you spend your money. Call her at 225-0713. Thank you for those who have already donated and will be donating in the future.
But remember, we do need more players.

Bike Safety will be on June 6th at Si-A-Bar Elementary starting at 9:00 a.m. The do need help for this as some of the members will be out of town. Please get with Ann Ronchetto for more information.

Poster Winner: Carol Barnes reported that the entry by Grain Valley's Justin Sackman won the District contest. He was given a $50.00 Wal-Mart gift certificate by the District. It was agreed that the Club would a certificate for the girl entry as well. The club presented a $30.00 gift certificate to Kathy Argotsinger for her work with these students.