Thursday, May 15, 2008
Meet Grain Valley's JOOI club members
Posted by
Christy Davis
6:00 PM
Scholarship winners....
Hello I go the names of those who were recipients of our Club scholarships this year. Jim Brown was representing the club on Friday May 9th at the high school when they were distributed. The ones who received our Scholarships this year were: Sidney Borowski, Jacob Kaldenberg, Tara Gunderson and Amanda Jo Nichell.
Posted by
Christy Davis
5:57 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Respect for Law reminder... May 16th
This is just a reminder that the Respect for Law BBQ will be on Friday May 16th at Armstrong park. Set up time is 4:00 and will start to serve at 5:00. We had a sign up sheet going around and if you need more information as to what to bring, get with Kristy Caley and get more information. Look forward to seeing you there.
Posted by
Christy Davis
2:06 PM
Visitors to Optimist Club
We have had some visitors to Grain Valley's Optimist Club within the last few weeks.
On May 3rd, Mr. Mike Painting, Cross Country Coach at the High School came in an spoke to the group.
May 10th, the two coaches from the Wrestling team came in and gave a donation to the Optimist club to apply towards the School supplies.
May 10th, during B&B, Ed and Kristy's youngest son, went in front of the group after paying his dollar and told us three little jokes.
Thanks to all of them.
Posted by
Christy Davis
10:21 AM
Plant Sale... May 9th & 10th....
Annual Optimist Plant Sale
Here in the picture are John Davis, Mary Harper, Bob Morse and Ann Ronchetto.
I came out in the morning before I went to work to help where I could in setting up the tents. The weather was going to be a like any other event we have had lately, difficult to get along with. As they group were setting up, I took a couple of pictures and they desperately worked together to get it up and ready for delivery of plants and before the rain. I heard that it rained quite a bit and a few of the members went home to change out of wet garments. The sun did finally come out when I came at lunch to and volunteered to bring food to the group working. The trailer that was borrowed from the Arnold's turned out to be a life safer for the day as the rain came down and then a shade area when the sun came out. I took some more pictures at lunch and then a group got together to load up the plants for the end of the day. Saturday again we set up a tent and then put the plants back out. Ann and Jan will give a report at next meeting as to how well it went. Nice work ladies and gentleman, thanks Carl for your help with the trailer and with the moving of the plants.
Posted by
Christy Davis
10:06 AM