Sunday, March 18, 2007

EASTER EGG HUNT reminder.....

Just a reminder to all of those who will be helping with the stuffing of the eggs we will be meeting at the Admin building on Pink Hill. The time is 8:00 AM and looking at possibly stuffing up to 7,000 eggs again. I have been told there will be some additional kids who need hours to help us out. Please remember to bring any grocery bags as we use them to put completed eggs in them. If you should have any questions, please feel free to call me at 816-443-2461.
The Hunt will be at Armstrong Park at 8:30. The pictures with the Easter Bunny start at 9:00 and want to have all of the eggs out before any of the kids start to come. Jim Brown and Bob Morse have volunteered to take pictures. Thank you guys for the help. Shelia will take care of money.
Currently we have had gifts from Lunar Bowl, Sonic and the Community Center. Kathy Doty has done an outstanding job in providing us with a lot of goodies for the give away prizes. Thank you Kathy for your special gifts and support.