Wednesday, August 8, 2007

WHALE is hit at Crime Night event.....

The WHALE was a big hit at the Crime Prevention night at the park Tuesday. There was a great crowd and even though we started a little late in set up, it was worth it. The response we got from parents who had infants and small toddlers that came through were happy to receive the literature. We had a few that knew we would be there and came especially to make sure they got their kits. We gave out close to 100 kits along with our Club brochure and book markers. We had a good location and were busy from the beginning until we shut down after all of the other tables had ran out of handouts, which was around close to 8:00. We had other Optimist members who helped by bringing us water or soft drinks, food, taking pictures and checking to see how we were doing. Thank you Dale for taking the pictures for me. Shelia and Dale did a great job with a poster they made and brought an infant chair to show where the stickers would be placed. We had a lot of appreciative parents, grandparents and babysitters who loved the concept of the kits and thanks us for our concerns.
Shelia will be doing an open house on Tuesday 8-14 at the day care and will be setting up another table to give to the parents who come that night. Shelia I know it will be a great hit as well.
Below are some other pictures of Optimist members and some of the events for the day. Please enjoy and if I left anything out, send me the information and I will try and include on the next entry.

Chris Davis handing our literature and explaining how to apply the stickers and cards.

Sheila providing information on where the stickers went on the infant chair for the parents who stopped to get more information on the WHALE.

It was nice to see Linda around, she has just gone back to work and is moving around slowly after surgery 6 weeks ago, but glad she came out for the event. Her husband was one of the singers that sang some gospel music with a group.

A singing gospel group in which Linda's husband is to the far right.
Comedy act, these two bared the warm weather and entertained the group with music and jokes. Great Job you two.
Kuntry Korn (Bob Morse)

Kuzzin Kobb (John Davis)
The mounted officers riding around and were part of the officers used for crowd control when the police chase was demonstrated.
A rock wall was put up for those who wanted some adventure.
Even the heat didn't discourage Smokey the Bear from showing up.
This year there were at least three different jumpers for the kids.
Our BBQ cook again this year, Chuck Johnston and the Patricia's representative.
Chuck Johnston took time out for a picture with the Patricia's representative. Sorry but I did not get his name.

Optimist members were chatting while waiting for the police chopper to arrive. The police department put on a display for the crowd with a demonstration of a live pursuit with police cars and police dog chasing the bad guys and how the dogs are used when a foot pursuit is in progress. The police dog did a great job of stopping the bad guy and getting the other that did not want to get out of the car. The Police helicopter was overhead and working with the ground officers. This was a very exciting thing to see but was not able to get pictures of the police activities as the crowd gathered around to view the activities. Good show by the police department for the crowd and I have included a few pictures below.

Helicopter making his debut in the spectacular show that was performed for the group.

Aaron leaning out of the Gazebo as John and him spoke with the Helicopter before the events happened.

Our air support helicopter, picture from the ground.

John Davidson surprise Scott and Bondo with a special presentation, he made an announcement that gave Bondo's service record and the amount of years and hours of service he and Scott had together. Then he announced that Bondo was now going to be retired. Pictures were taken of the dynamic duo and I don't think there wasn't anyone who was not touched by this moment.
last, Aaron presented Scott with his award but also a metal for Bondo to wear. A very touching event for the evening.
Thank you Aaron and John Davidson and all of the officers, military group who helped to make this a success. It was a warm day but the fans and even the helicopter blades helped to cool things down. And thank you again for letting the Optimist Club be part of the activities.