Sunday, October 21, 2007

Haunted Hayride... WITCHES CORNER...

Tuesday October 30th, the Haunted Hayride will be behind the Community Center. The event starts at 6:00 to 9:00 PM. We will have our WITCHES CORNER event and will start to set up around 3:00 PM. Those of you who would like to come out and help, we can use some workers who can help with the WHALE and also with money for pictures. We need a least 2 different people to help with pictures and if anyone wants to dress up, we could use a few extra characters. So we would like at least 4 helpers. See Shelia Arnold for more information.

Also at meeting for October 27th, we will be stuffing hands for give aways at the Halloween event. Plastic hands with candy corn for finger nails and stuffed with popcorn. Please come out and help.