Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa Chuck, 12-7-08 2nd day for House.....

Santa House 2-7-08
Santa Chuck with Elves....

On Sunday, the second day of the Santa House, it started off a little busy and then slow and then picked up again. Here Santa took a picture with our Jr Optimists who were on hand to help us out. Today all of the members who attended dressed in some sort of Christmas outfit. We had 2 elves, 2 reindeer and two of the girls dress in Christmas colors with Neri wearing the Christmas Stocking with little characters on her toes. Had a total of 5 workers through out the day. Neri worked the desk checking in little kids to see Santa while the others monitored the doors. Again, they seemed to enjoy themselves and as long as I gave them hot chocolate, candy pretzels and some popcorn, they were happy. Again we are so happy to have them helping out. Kathy and Erma Doty worked the first shift and Carol and Carl came and worked the second shift. Even though the kids do most of the work, having the adults there for support and help where is needed, I appreciate all that they do. Bob Morse stopped by for a few minutes and Dave Eames came in to make a nut/candy and popcorn purchased and stayed around long enough for us to close for the day/weekend. It was a cool day but warmer than Saturday and better than we had last year. We will see what the other days bring. Enjoy some of the pictures below.

Another picture of the elves with Santa

These three dogs are precious, they are show dogs and the owner was on her way back from a show and decided to ask if they could take a picture with Santa.

Nick, Jim and Jessica
Jim checking on the JR's.
Erma staying warm
Santa takes time for a picture
Doing a kick dance

Enjoying themselves and waving to the crowd

posing for a picture.