Saturday, February 21, 2009

Familiar face at Optimist meeting, please read...

Linda Lemen came to today's meeting. We are sure glad to see you back and around.

Today's meeting was interesting as President Ann covered some items and then opened the meeting with some topics and also indicated that they needed a nomination team put together. Jan Reding is on the team and needed members and Carol Barnes, Kathy Doty and Jennifer Bailey volunteered to help Jan. Thank you ladies. The next thing discussed was the back filling of the tasks that the Davis's do for the club. Christy will continue to work on the Easter Egg Hunt but Jennifer Bailey and Kathy Doty volunteered to help Christy and I believe will take this as a project for next year. The Talk to Santa is still being discussed. The Vice president position Christy holds will need to be filled and there is no one as of yet. This person will also be the President come October. The Board of Directors spot John holds, he will continue to due until he is gone, so he will be on the board for March, April and May and then Dave Eames will take the remainder of the year and also the 2009-2010 and finish the term for John. Thanks Dave. The club Blog: Jennifer Bailey indicated she would like to give it a try and will just need to have people send her the pictures. I will work with her and see if we can hand this off before May. We will still need the Witch for the Haunted Hayride, we will see who takes this on. Big shoes to fill as per John, he says he has the perfect witch, he just knows he does. Ha ha.

As per request, Christy read John's Bio that will be read at the Pillar banquet for the club. I will post it with some pictures I take at the Pillar.