Saturday, October 25, 2008

Haunted Hayride pictures...Witches Corner....


2008's Haunted Hayride was faced with some challenges. During the day it threatened to rain and had a breeze that put a chill in the air. Those who came to help set up were faced with billowing winds that had the tarps flying until the hay was delivered that was used to hold down the tarps. Once we got going we had traffic for a while until about 9:00 it died down. We have the honor of having BATMAN this year as our alternate character and had his time in the spot light where some of the kids wanted BATMAN instead of the witch but the surprise is some of the kids were afraid of our dynamic hero and chose the WITCH as the person to take their picture with. The popcorn hands were passed out and we gave out over 130 of them. We took about 50 pictures and many of them took their own pictures as well. Overall, a good night. So if anyone has pictures they would like to post, please send them to me and I can add them on the blog. WE had a friend of Larry Chitwood who stopped and helped us with the tarps before we started. He put in a lot of time and energy and we are glad he stopped by. His name is Sam Latrelle (hope I spelled right). Thanks Sam. We had one student who was looking for community service hours and we put him to work as well. His name was Mitchell Askew, Again thank you Mitch. Please enjoy the pictures......

Larry helping with the tarps , as you can see it was breezy and cool.

With John on the ladder, he got support from left to right: Larry, Dave and Sarah.

Mitch Askew (volunteer) along with Sheila

Witch Christy sharing a romantic moment with hubby John. Don't they make a nice couple!!!
The Davis' at their best...
Visitor that would not get close to the characters...
Pinocchio took time to take a picture with Witch and Batman
Guess who??? Left to right; Kathy Doty, Witch Christy, Erma Doty and John Davis
More visitors with our characters...

ride baby ride.......
Larry Chitwood's granddaughter didn't seem to like being near characters...

Another group with our characters...

Caley kids come for their picture....
Pictures of the Jr Optimist with Witch and Batman, they had the time of their life with their set up for the visitors and we could hear all of the screams as people passed them.