Saturday, October 18, 2008

Optimist works on hands for Witches Corner....

Halloween is right around the corner and the Optimist Club is getting ready for the Haunted Hayride event. Last year we stuffed some gloves to make them look like popcorn hands and we decided to do them again. This year we had a lot of popcorn and just made them until we ran out of gloves. They can be tricky but we did good and made over 270 hands to pass out to the kids as they come through Witches Corner. Look for pictures in the near future.
We had some guests who stopped by to visit and we put them to work. Larry Chitwood invited the guys from Shaw Supply who are located on Jefferson Ct, just north of I70. They came for a visit and we put them to work and filled them in on the fabulous things we do in our club. Hope they come again, we can always use an extra set of HANDS.... hee hee..

Kathy, Erma and Ann.
Danni Arnold and her friend Amy Waltrip.
Larry with the fellows from Shaw Supply. From let to right: Larry, Mike Reeder, Patrick Shaw, Brian Shaw and not in photo, John Shaw. Their business is in electrical supplies, lamps, tools and Balis items. Welcome to the our club meeting and thanks for your help.

workign as a team.
Arnolds, Carol and Amy
Jim and his youngsters.
More of Jim and JOOS
a little dark but another picture of the workers
Dave, Carl and Carol.
Ann caught in the picture with ladies in the background.